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Perfectionism doesn’t always look perfect

Katy Murray Coaching

Perfectionism doesn’t always look perfect. What it really is, is a set of beliefs that suggest that sustained effort, a certain level of “rightness”, pouring all of ourselves into everything or trying to control the outcome will give us what we want. In other words, looking for safety through achievement and often at the expense […]

My journey with social anxiety & advice for recovery

Katy Murray Coaching

What is social anxiety, what causes it, how can we work with it and my personal story.

How pleasure opens the door to healing

Katy Murray Coaching

How pleasure opens up our body to recieve more pleasure and can support in the regulation of the nervous system

Sunlight and shadow on a womans hands

Embodying abundance through winter

Katy Murray Coaching

A guide to sourcing more abundant energies and leaning into self-care through the slower, more gentle winter months. I’ve been thinking a lot about January and the expectations we put on it as the time for change. The first thing to note here, is that what’s right for one person won’t necessarily be right for […]

What is Somatic Coaching?

Katy Murray Coaching

Somatic coaching focuses on the connection through the body to help people make meaningful changes in their lives. The word “somatic” comes from the Greek word for body and this approach recognizes that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours are deeply influenced by our physical experiences, sensations, and the information stored in our body over time. […]

Womans body on her side in the dark

Re-finding my somatic experience

Katy Murray Coaching

As a child I always lived life somatically. Everything I experienced arose from what I now know to be the fields of interoception (what I’m feeling inside my body) or exteroception (sensations outside of my body). I lived life outdoors, fully connected to nature and I would take great delight in running through the fields, […]


Grab a virtual coffee with me


If hearing about my work has ignited something in you and you’d like to get together human to human to find out more, or if you are ready to book and start your journey, then I’d love to share some real time with you. Book a free informal chat here.


